Saturday, April 2


The BBB (The Beautiful Brussels and Bruges)
Well friends, here are some new pictures from our last trip to the beautiful city of Brussels and Bruges. We made use of the long easter weekend. For those of you who don't know, Germany has a really good long weekend this time of the year, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday :) (Unfortunately for our friends in Brussels who have to work on Good Friday!!!) We stayed there for four days and were really spoiled and pampered by our dearest friends Lucy and Niels (pictures to be posted soon, subject for approval). We enjoyed the sights, the good weather, the warm hospitality and the sumptuous meals prepared by our host and hostess. Of course not to forget the really good tasting raspberry flavored beer and the Kwak (see picture below). You have to try it to know why it's called Kwak!

By the way, this sculpture of Madonna is an original work of Michaelangelo, it is in one of the Cathedrals in Bruges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tonettesky,

I'm on my way out for a doctor's appmt. I'll send you a longer e-mail when I get back. But for now I just want to say Congratulations!!! Well-deserved to be happy.
I am soooooo glad not only to hear from you (bilis mong mag-reply ha) but also to see your pictures and to know what you've been up to.

Kookai is getting married in Japan, just in case you don't know and Cathy is getting married somewhere in the Caribbean.

Bye for now.

Thank you my dear friend for keeping in touch.
