Wednesday, April 25

Ooops .. I did it again!

I am the official clumsiest person I know. While blogging, drinking coffee and downloading pictures from my digital camera I mistakingly deleted the pictures from my memory card without really knowing why I deleted it. So there goes some 1oo+ pictures from an excursion with the kids at work I intended to use for a yearbook I am planning to make. Plus I sell those pictures to raise some funds for the Kindergarden ( my boss is really, really into budgeting so I have to find a way to make money for some "unimportant" projects I have in mind) Oh my!! Good thing I thought about google and it led me to here.
Wow that software was a miracle for me today! It really didn't take a long time to download and do the whole stuff. Maybe about 30 minutes all in all. So in case this thing happens to you. Just take note of this freeware, Zero Assumption Digital Software. Thanks Google and thank you Zero ....By the way I did try another software and it didn't give me any good result. It just made my agony longer.
Moral Story of the day - Although it is in some ways proven or believed to be the truth that women unlike men can do many things at once - I am an exception.


Anonymous said...

would you believe? my brother-in-law and family when they got back from hong kong (first time for their kids), when they got home, one of the kids was tinkering with the digicam, there goes, the whole hong kong episode - erased!!! camera/memory card brought to the photo shops, NADA, all gone. what a waste.

congratulations, you are now an exception!

Gattina said...

Selling things to get more money for the kids ? The mothers will kiss your feet !! (Wash them before, please)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sexy Mom, I'm glad I was able to get my pictures back.. whew ! That was close..I know that would be an extreme disaster to lose holiday pictures. Those are almost memories :) Which reminds me I should back up my digital photos from this computer soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gattina, yup the mothers should love me :) (I whish, they are so hard to satisfy ..) But that's a nice way of imagining it..