Wednesday, August 29


I didn't have any chance to update this blog for this week because I have been really tired the last few days. We have some new kids at work and in the end this just drains my energy till the last drop that when I go home, I am almost like a zombie - lifeless and mentally dead. Please remind me again why I am a Pre-School Teacher.
Aside from that The V. is very upset with my Blackhole room also know a workroom/ guestroom/ tv room. We call this The Blackhole because it is so disorderly, you can throw things out there and never find them again. Well that he claims of course. I can always find my things no matter how disorderly they may seem. But things have gotten quite out of hand. The book shelf collapsed all of a sudden and a million books fell out!! Well The V claimed it just collapsed???!!! I am overwhelmed and don't know what to do. On top of that we are having some guests this Friday who would sleep in this room so this task has to be finally completed!Please wish me luck!
One good thing happened this week - bumped into an old friend online back in high school. Thank God for real friendships! Dates, years, months and all the in betweens don't count. It's as if I only spoke with her last week when it fact it must have been almost four years ago and before that , it was probably 5 years ago.
I am thinking about changing my blog template. Any tips? I'm a bit uneasy about it so if you have any good ideas, suggestions please feel free. I am still using Blogger Classic Template. I know I am so old fashioned. I tried to change to the new blogger , yikes that was scary, it looked horrible so I clicked back to the usual.
Well more next time. I promise it would be a better post. I think I also cannot join Wordless Wednesday this week. Oh well till next time.


Ingrid said...

A good fight in a couple can be sometimes very healthy things are said or thrown at each others head. Often it's just a little thing which let it burst out. But reconsiliations are also very nice !! I hope you can get your "Blackhole" story settled !
If you want to change your template I can help you. You just have to choose one of Bloggers standard templates and then you can change the background and header as I did on my blogs. Now the only thing is you have to tell me what colors you like etc. But this we could handle over email. Since I discovered how to do it I change my background all the time I have such a lot of fun with it.

Vlado&Toni said...

Thanks Gattina, I will email you about that :)

maiylah said...

hehehe, we have a room like that, too ... though it is mostly filled with my son's toys. I could never figure out where his toys (specific ones) are (sobrang kalat talaga!!), but he knows. lots of luck with the cleaning-up!
am thinking of changing my theme, too ... found a site just a few minutes ago:

hope that helps. :)

Anonymous said...

we have a room like that too... it's supposed to be a spare room/guest room which has metamorphosed into a store room (mostly things in there are mine --craft materials, magazines, clothes to be ironed )& when Tony offers friends who are passing thru to come stay the night you can just imagine the mood i would be in ..

Anonymous said...

hi maiylah, thanks for that blog template tip, i've checked it, it looks good. naku it's really good if there is a "kalat room" aka Blackhole Room :) it really has its perks.
hi doris, naku i know what you really mean, when you have to clean/organize that Blackhole. feeling ko, it would never end.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! take it easy... back to work ka na nga pala.
this old high school friend - is he/she someone I know?

Ay sorry, i can't be of much help on your blogger template. I'm a WordPress junkie now, hehe. besides, i was really never able to decipher Blogger completely! parang ang hirap to customize templates. With WP, one click lang, whoosh, done!I guess gattina will be able to help you.

Good luck and I hope the rest of the week will be better. If not, at least the weekend will be here soon. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

PS - if you have a blackhole room, I have one too - my aunt's room (and the storage cabinets by the garage is a timewarp zone!). She is coming in december for a vacation, so i have to get everything cleaned up and prettyfied in the next 3 months. Oh i remember, we are both procrastinators! that's why tasks seem to pile up on us, haha. Same old gawi, since high school pa, hahahahaaay!

Chateau said...

ay, ako ulit. hehe
just wanted to tell you i got the beautiful postcard you sent from Santorini. :) Are there really lots of cats there? as there is also a photo of a cat on the card.. and then you posted here a pic with a cat.. haha. baghira will surely love to retire there!

Anonymous said...

hi te!

good luck sa pag sosort ng books sa room :)

gawin mong background music ung "I like the Way" from Body Rockers para doble ganado ka. hehe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chats,
Yup there are really lots of cats there, really sweet and beautiful too, wawa nga they only live till the end of summer season because the tourist feeds them, afterwards, famine- tag gutom so lots of them die too.i don' t think baghira would love to retire there.. bwahaha, especially with him very picky at his food, only fish and chicken varieties and lots of sauce! Good luck with sorting out your timewarp zone. hmmm that reminds me of shayder..or shaider and annie, remember them?

Anonymous said...

Hello Eyna, long time no hear, give me a call one of these days, chikahan.. thanks for the visit. when are you going to make another blog?