Wednesday, February 4

Is it Friday already?

Nope, unfortunately not yet - tomorrow is Thursday and I think this week is just taking forever. Probably because I had a bad Monday - somebody told me some time long ago - never to have a bad day on Monday otherwise the whole week will turn out bad. Monday was a looonggg day - so this week is a loonggg week. Actually just half of this week and the whole next week then I will have ski break - not that I will dare go skiing. It just means that school is closed and they decided to name this break - ski break. Well I guess I just have to hang on a little bit. At least this weekend is not that busy.
Friday - will have dinner with my colleague
Saturday - will have friends over for dinner (have to think of menu, )
Sunday- except for church, nothing else planned
Monday - back to work -
this will be a wonderful week in anticipation of the one week break ...

I am also suffering from a bad cough.. I think it's better to have real flu than to have all the symptons without any fever ..


Gattina said...

Ah, they call it ski break ? Here it's called "carneval holidays" one week off in February, although carneval is not celebrated very much in February. I had a bronchitis and since then I suffer a little from asthma ! It's time that spring arrives !

Kayni said...

i want a ski break too. it's friday here, so i'm quite happy. do feel better. eat lots of chocolates =).

Vlado&Toni said...

Get well soon Gattina :)

Thanks for the tip Kayni, yup been eating lots of chocolates :)