Saturday, May 7

Trips with Mom

I've been enjoying the last few days with my mom. It is so nice to have someone to talk to all the time at home when The V is gone off from work .. but even better than that, it is so nice to have home cooked meals! Mom also takes care of me as well -  coffee in the morning and ironed clothes as well the next day :) well I told her she does not need to but she wants to keep herself occupied when I am not at home. She has been very independent as well doing things herself - shopping, going to the library, the pharmacy and other stuff. She does not care even if she does not speak German at all! So proud of her.. I have met some people much younger than her who are very scared to get out of their houses and just wait for families or partner because they don't speak the German language..

What we are now trying to do is do some trips during the weekends. So far so good - the weather has been really nice and this is her second weekend - she might have some expectations to see more of the neighboring countries ( like Paris and Rome for examples) but we want to show her Germany first. There are just too many things to see here and I repeat it - Germany is just so under rated when it comes to its tourism.. so many things to do and see here.

Today we went along the Mosel River and Mosel River - it was a beautiful day. Amazing that it is still early May.


kg said...

seeing your pics (sepcifically the second to sixth pictures) makes me want to go to germany! the place looks so cute!

Ingrid said...

How nice ! That's wonderful that your mom adapts herself so easily to a completely new world. Yes, there are lots of things to see in Germany, I never took the time, I was busy with Italy. And then it's a bit because of the weather too.

Kayni said...

now i miss my mom.

looks like your mom's having fun.