Thursday, August 20

Hello I'm back

Hi Friends and Family :) I am back and been here actually since Sunday evening but I have been totally busy the last few days setting up my toddler classroom-- well tomorrow is going to be the first day of school but before the kids start I need to give you some pictures so I have to go early to work tomorrow and bring my camera. It has been a hectic few months setting up the classroom and boy am I glad it's over.

I still don't have any idea with the result of my Montessori Practical Exam - I was awful, I had so many mistakes!!!! I wish I could turn back the clock, it was so nerve wracking, so anti-montessori doing that exam but hey life in reality is made up of trials and tribulations.

My experience in London was really wonderful eventhough I did not do touristy things - dead tired from all that studying! I met such lovely people in my training, one of them even invited me for an evening at her house and we ate and studied together and I slept on her couch. What a lovely gesture to a stranger. At least once in that 15 day stay I had a normal warm meal :)

Ok just catching up with you, will be back in the blog world soon ;)


Kayni said...

glad to hear from you. oh i'm sure you did fine =). good luck on the first day of school.

Gattina said...

So you are back home ! I too ! I had wonderful holidays at the coast and also spent a day in London as a tourist. Went to Oxoford street, Piccadilly Circus, Leiscester square, Covent garden, Soho, all in one afternoon, lol ! My souvenirs came back immediately and I wasn't lost on tube and buses. The English people in the South are very open very very kind and helpful, they all talk to each other on the street, they have an amazing sense of hospitality or do you know any country where you are greated in a supermarket by : Hi, love how are you today ?
and everybody calls you darling when you ask for a bus direction ? "you have to go to the left, darling" In all my life I haven't been a love and darling or sweetheart to so many unknown people ! "Isn't it warm today, sweetheart ?" when I walked alone along the beach !!

Toni said...

Hello Gattina - I so agree with you, the people are so friendly and helpful, I ask a sales clerk where to find a basket for my stuff and he got it for me with a smile even if it was such a really busy day full of customers!

Toni said...

Thanks Kayni :O) back to life again ... can't believe it summer is almost over.. that was quick!

kg said...

you're back na pala! :) please post more pics. i love seeing what other countries look lik! :)

cheh said...

Toni,long time no hear na my dear! musta? hope all is well with you & your family back home. Ingat!

Toni said...

hi kg - thanks for dropping by.. yes, i need to post some pictures from my trip to england soon-- been tied down the last few weeks.

cheh - hello long time no hear nga.. nice to see you ..