Saturday, April 4

Easter Break

Yey, it's finally spring and yey again - it's Easter break. We have a 2 week off from work which doesn't really mean I would be resting and be doing nothing. Due to the changes at my work I would be visiting pre schools with toddler groups and looking at Ikea and Toys R Us for things they might have there which I could use for the set up of the classroom. Also I would be busy writing my essay for studies which is due in 2 weeks. It wasn't supposed to be due but I've changed groups so I can do the seminar in London this August already - hah busy times ahead! Mind you I've only read maybe 10 pages of the entire 300 plus pages suggested reading! Wish me luck..
I also plan to fix my garden at the same time.. we pulled out some of the plants from the old granny that used to live here. However, we didn't have any new plants yet to put in it.
Finally, The V and I will go away for a short weekend, not far from here, just about an hour and half drive but nevertheless it's nice to go on a road trip once in a while.
Before I know it - it's school time once again. Back to work and this darn essay is graded already (yikes!)


Kayni said...

Wow, two weeks off sounds great. We don't get that kind of break here =(. Oh well, do have fun on your road trip with V. Enjoy this break!

Gattina said...

I hope you won't fall asleep over your 300 pages ! Don't plant to much flowers in your garden it demands a lot of work. We have grass in the middle and bushes around (all sorts) which need to be cut once or twice a year. That doesn't need a lot of work and looks nice.
Diane and I met pictures are on my Writer Cramps blog, it was really very nice and we had a lot of fun !

cheh said...

We're off to MIL for easter! have fun this upcoming holiday!Ingat toni! :)

Toni said...

hi kayni - yes it is indeed such a treat to get a 2 week break. all schools get that here.

hi gattina - would be checking that post, i'm sure it was a blast!

hi cheh - have fun! I'm sure it will be a good trip. kainggit! ;)