Monday, April 25

Easter 2011

The V. and I were having some coffee today and were just saying how quiet it is .. it's the Easter holidays and most people are somewhere.. especially with the wonderful weather.. We just realised that we actually don't spend Easter here so much that we have not taken notice of this wonderful empty city. There were parking spots everywhere and you can have a choice of the best seats in your favourite coffee shops and restaurants! So just so I can remember it -  this year 2011 Easter.. we enjoyed a quiet lunch and afternoon in Ffm.

We started thinking about our last Easters.. one of the best we've had were with friends L and N in Belgium... we even missed the time change.. so on the way to the church, we met people who were shaking their heads mumbling "oh they had the wrong time???!! ". To save the situation we decided to hurry and go to the Cathedral instead.. at least I was able to get some personal blessings from the Archbishop or Cardinal of Belgium.. hmmm not sure now..

Just an update - the seeds i am trying to germinate for my garden are doing well. I will be transfering them soon ... hopefully this week, so I can use the pots for my next seeds.. These are coriander seeds, sweet basil, tomatoes, celery and bell peppers.. ..

This is our front garden, do you see that green bush on the left side? This whole area was covered with snow last winter up to the height of that bush.. amazingly the plants made it.. I got some beautiful tulips this year... I planted them last October and I think a lot of them turn up..

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

We too have wonderful weather here it was even warmer than at the Côte d'Azur where I spent the week with Claudie my blogfriend. We had sunshine but only 18° while here there were 25 !
I didn't know that you were in Brussels last year and you didn't even say hello to me ! that's a shame !! You know Waterloo is only 15 km from Brussels center and almost part of it.